We Started out With aDesire to Change People's Perspective.

Addiction is recognized as a medical specialty for the first time this year. Now one can become an “Addictionologist”. The connection is clear, money is being made because drugs are now being sold to treat addiction. Wealth over health is once again winning in our society.

The AEinstein Universe believes abstinence works best. We have connected with thousands but making a difference one by one is what we aim to do. Since our work began in April of 2017 many have followed our Facebook page and been in touch with their stories of struggles and recovery. We have heard from young and old alike who have quit smoking cigarettes, stopped using opiates and heroin, and gotten into rehabilitation for alcohol abuse. The results have been amazing and mind bending. In other words, our work is working miracles.

The AEinstein Universe is committed to helping humanity recognize the contrast between positive and negative Addictive Behaviors through Arts and Education. Our Mission is to preserve our past one ripple at a time and create waves for future generations to ride.

We are a fully recognized 501 (c) 3 organization.

In 2017 We reached over 1.5 million people worldwide with our message to switch out negative addictions for positive addictions.

Become a Warrior

The DetailsSee exactly how we accomplish our goals.

  • Advocacy

    Since March of 2017, our team has spoken with thousands promoting awareness about how many recover daily from the myriad of chemical and other extremes of addiction. AEinstein Universe started a ripple effect of mind health awareness and we spreads facts over fake news by those who are taking advantage and marketing mental anguish and recovery. Addiction is addiction and marketing is the only component to change since the beginning. AEinstein Universe and her team went to the National Conference on Addiction Disorders to hear how they are tackling alcohol addiction. They aren’t and we will not only tackle it but stop the cycle once and for all who deserve peace of mind.

  • Public Awareness Campaigns

    AEinstein Universe spreads awareness that stops recycled and familiar habits that propel trauma and addiction. Through empirical information we understand what plagues many and help those who suffer on the spectrum of post-traumatic stress and also struggle with addiction. AEinstein Universe will produce documentaries and public service campaigns that will empower and inspire emotion understanding and promote mental wellness.

  • Rock the Record Straight™

    AEinstein Universe is thrilled to be creating a curriculum to teach life lessons through the lyrics and musicians who have inspired us through lifetimes. Life is an arduous journey, each sowing their own row. Life Lessons learned from the artists and their personal experiences will in turn empower many to understand emotions rather than be driven by them. Music videos have been part of our culture for decades and it is time to use them as a tool in education rather than letting them run rampant without guidance from parents and educators. Rock the Record Straight™ tackles facts and spreads facts that surround harmful cycles like addiction, bullying, censorship, nutrition, and a host of other important platforms.Teaching mindfulness, boundaries and respect for all living things will quell the tides of addiction. Rock the Record Straight™ will teach joy and happiness, love and sadness through music and the lyrics that rock us to safety and clarity!

Our mission is as strong as the three trademarks that the AEinstein Universe has secured: Education Beyond Parenting™, Rock the Record Straight™ and Rock the Record Straight on Addiction™. With these words, we move forward for the betterment of humanity. Our trademarks signify our mission to set forth with a new wave of public education to insure a brighter and healthier future for generations to come. With a team of brilliant minds and “outside the box” mentality, we will enhance education in public schools by taking old resources and renewing them.

The goals of the AEinstein Universe include educating through music videos and teaching life lessons through the artists who created them. Life lessons to be learned from their personal experience will in turn empower our youth. Music videos have been part of our culture for decades and it is time to use them as a tool in education rather than letting them run rampant without guidance from parents and educators.

The AEinstein Universe will make this part of Education Beyond Parenting™. By bringing these important visions into the classrooms we can Rock the Record Straight™ on many platforms including addiction, bullying, nutrition and a host of other important subjects.

Teaching youth mindfulness, boundaries and respect for all living things will quell the tides of addiction. The combination of this knowledge, their own inherent instincts and their inherited traits, will help them recognize addiction in both the positive and negative forms before adulthood. Our children will be empowered by the profound knowledge of these important instincts and traits. Then a new generation of youth will be better equipped to navigate the world on a more productive and confident path in life. Our goal is to promote the abundant positive forms of behaviors that drive humanity to discover, explore, invent and succeed in every aspect of life.


Education Beyond Parenting

AEinstein Universe educates that addiction is an inherent and inherited behavior that lies within human nature in both positive and negative forms. These behaviors can veer to either extremes depending on the social and environmental impacts endured while growing into adulthood. These behaviors can overtake the psyche. The host will unwittingly succumb to the negative or positive addiction throughout their lifetime to cope with a myriad of stressors. The AEinstein Universe has created Education Beyond Parenting™ to improve understanding about these powerful behaviors that lie in wait. These basic instincts will be taught alongside mindfulness and coherent positive and negative addiction facts. This keen perspective will propel a newly empowered generation of youth better equipped to navigate the world on a more productive and confident path in life. Our goal is to continue to promote the abundant positive forms of behaviors that drive humanity to discover, explore, invent and succeed in every aspect of life.