Beginning at birth, memories are created and stored in the mind. Each day as we grow the actions and reactions of caregivers and our surroundings, guide and teach us, hence the saying, “You are a product of your environment”. Today, the barrage of confusing information and onslaught of paid media provocation make it imperative to clarify how to stop the cycle of drama to addiction. AEinstein Universe promotes daily awareness and conversation to overcome painful memories and obstacles associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD.
Without a clear understanding of how the cycle to trauma is perpetuated, the chances of averting the cycle diminish as we grow and create our own patterns to cope when stressed. Left unaware that memories cause reactions, both subliminally and consciously, many instinctually follow indoctrinated behaviors that can create dysfunction, health problems, and prolong addiction. Habits are born and shaped from what is considered normal at home. The repercussions of humankind and society ignoring and enabling the cycle of Trauma and Addiction, adds mental distress to many and must stop. It blinds and mutes those in need of help and keeps the cycle hidden away notoriously behind closed doors where many suffer as children and then again as adults.
It is important to understand why addiction or controlling behaviors take hold of some and not others. Recognizing the memories that spur negative reactions, such as nightmares and over eating, help one understand how behaviors harm the mind and body and its ability to relax. Our mind has one thought per second or 70,000 thoughts per day prompting a myriad of emotions and reactions, both conscious and subconscious. Understanding common denominators of trauma and retraumatization since the beginning of time help many steer clear from continuing destructive cycles.
In 2019, 51 million Public School children across America will be surveyed anonymously through the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, YRBS. The survey can provoke distressing thoughts, triggering stressful memories. Parents with children enrolled in 7th through 12th grade, should familiarize themselves with it and have their children opt out if concerned. Better yet, parents may want their child tested with the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, ACEs before leaving the family nest. This proactive test checks for 10 types of trauma that identify those at risk early in life and offer help, guidance, and mentorship. PTSD causes a person to “fight or flight” and seek constant refuge through substances or behaviors left unleashed continues negative cycles.
AEinstein Universe shares empirical information that has worked for decades to stop addiction in its tracks. We are clear that memories provoke thoughts and actions that can try upset our rhythm. Daily, we learn through mentors, that guide with vigilance and help us understand thoughts, rather than fall prey to cycles that can derail happiness.
AEinstein Universe promotes conversation between two, professionally or with caregivers, family and friends that empower a deep understanding of love and knowledge that guides us to safety every single time! Our music curriculum will inspire the exploration of emotions by listening to the lyrics and music of artists who have empowered us to overcome and understand emotions and how we win by listening and learning.
One Moment, One Breath, One Second at a Time.
Donate today so we all win with love, compassion, and understanding. Thank you and sincerely, Angela Einstein, teammate AEinstein Universe. Join today and share your wisdom to help tomorrow. #thoughtswin